The Return


Rosa rugosa

In April 2009, I began blogging. At the local cafe in Easton, MD, my friend suggested that I start a blog and Flora Phenomena was born. Twelve years ago, and with them many evolutions of blogs and websites have come and gone spanning across three different states. I blogged on Flora Phenomena for quite a while, even had an Etsy store and sold my herbal remedies. Then I started a few other ventures, attualmente: at the present moment, Wild Hearts Awakening, Salix Rosa Reiki, Salix Rosa, and most recently Elemental Naturalist. Between 2014 and 2016 I dipped my toe back into these waters for a longer period of time, but then left for something new. Here I am again.

What can I say? I am a Manifesting Generator and I like to follow what lights me up. I am okay with letting (most) things go and starting anew. Why hold onto something? The notion that if you set something free...right? Therefore, I am pretty good at Konmari and minimalism (except in the garden). 

Though, for some reason I have held onto to all these years. A steady presence, just like the plants I love and want the world to know.

I am not sure where I am going with the blog this time. I started an Instagram handle to complement the blog - @floraphenomena. Maybe I am nostalgic, missing the good ol' days of blogs, before the listicles. When blog posts were like journal entries. I do miss writing on a regular basis. 

Welcome to this journey that involves the flora that happen into my life. Just like gardening, this space is an experiment.

A walk down memory lane. One of the first blog posts here in 2009 - haiku for mayapples:

Podophyllum peltatum

Harbringer of spring.
Tiny green umbrella forest,
apple - ripe delight.
